Sound Poem

Thick Night
A poem written to the song Sdrawkcab, by Jeremiah Peña

The bell tolls
The night is upon the town
And few souls still hustle around
Twilight’s magic has faded
But midnights magic has just begun.

What life could exist in the dark?
What light could dwell in the shadows?
The night is a dark and loathsome place
But for some, darkness is peace.

The swirling mists of dark
So deep, so knowing
Dark is deep inside
Hidden from the light, the shadows grow.

New opportunities swirl with the curtains of shadow
New power lies within the thick blackness
New strength in the invisible darkness.

Stars gleam
Such a glorious and beautiful sight they are!
So majestic, so full of energy and power
Sparkling in the sky like the treasures of a goddess.

The bell tolls.
Twilight’s magic has faded.
But midnight’s has just begun.