In America

This is the Poem I wrote for History Class about Rights and Responsibilities.

Land of the Free
Land of Liberty
Of Thee we sing
Sing to America

Our Fathers Died
For our Freedom
For our Happiness
And for the rights we have
In America

We talk how we wish
Write what we wish
Meet how we wish.
And preach how we wish
In America

Our fathers wanted us
To be safe from harm
To keep our life,
Our liberty and our happiness
In America

We are given our land
And a house to be a home
Where the government cannot
Take away your privacy
In America

They thought of those convicted
Might they be innocent?
Might they be unjustly accused?
So they gave them rights too
In America

Our Fathers Decided
Their children should learn
So that they could become
The changers of the world
In America

We are given the right
To learn what we want
To choose our own leaders
And this is a responsibility
In America

But Freedom isn’t free
You have to fight for it
You have to earn it
You have to prove yourself
In America

So we have responsibilities.
We must follow the law
For without law there is but Chaos
And then no one is free
In America

We must pay the government back
They pay for our roads,
Our schools, our libraries,
Why shouldn’t we give some back
To America?

We often complain
We accuse Uncle Sam
Of being a greedy man
But have you seen what he’s done
For America?

By accusing our leaders,
Who work for liberty
Are we saying we would all
Rather be slave than free
In America?

So let us all press forward
And not let out a groan
But let us work to help
The freedom bell toll
Through America.


Oldewindmill said...

wow... how many blogs do you have, like, three?