The Pole

Here's a Concrete Poem.

| <--This is what everybody thinks of me.
| <--This is my standard.
| <-- This is what I thought of myself a month ago.
- <-- This is dirt.
| <--This is me now.

To Be a Bird

To be a bird and fly upon the breeze
And on the warmth of summer wind to fly
And sing a song and laugh among the trees

Oh rise and fall with such a calming ease
And nothing can go easily as high
As can a bird that flies upon the breeze

You sing your song whenever you may please
And never wonder if it's truth or lie
Just sing the song and laugh among the trees

The workers and the stressful men you tease
Explore a world not limited by sky
And say "I am the bird that flies the breeze."

And should Love's voice ere say to you that she's
The one to which your heart you may rely
Just sing your song to her amidst the trees

To live a life and every whim appease
And in a quiet, happy peace to die
So is the bird that flew upon the breeze
And sung a song, and laughed among the trees.


Could it be?
I don't know...
Could I...
I don't think so.
And yet...
That would be kind of funny.

Elation! Oh, my heart is dancing!

Can you say Giddy?

Could it be?
No, it's not.
It isn't.
Hopes... Knocked down.
Dreams... Only dreams.
Love... Is so fickle.
Oh well.

Have a Good Day

Sometimes you may be in the darkest abyss
But wherever you go, promise me this
That you will not forget my love
That you will lift your head above
The challanges you face each day
The bullets that my come your way
You will be happy despite all dispair
You will remember that I always care
Always be happy and have a good day
Smile because it will brighten your way
I love you.

Forest Nights

Written for Jeremiah Pena's song Wonderful

A dream...
But you are there.
You're always there in my dreams.

In a dark forest, late one night
Surrounded by the dark eyes
and the towering trees

Running, running, through the night!
With bare feet and open hearts
Wild grins and laughing eyes!
Should I never need depart
Your side!
Listening to our hearts beat
In tune with the sounds of nature...

Sitting under the shade
Of a great oak tree.
I look at the moon
Reflecting off of your beautiful face.
Our Eyes meet.
What a wonderful feeling.
Being with you.

Sing and Rejoice!

Sing and Rejoice!
Rejoice and Sing!
Dance in your streets
Your living-rooms and your closets!
For we have great reason to have joy!

Those who have long been dark and dreary
Now are seen with a smile
That cannot leave their faces!
Is this not reason to sing and rejoice?

Sing halleluah, clap your hands!
Sing and rejoice!
Sing with your hearts, your minds and your mouths
At the shining smiles of the worried heart!

The worried heart, the wounded heart,
Loves again, loves again!
The shy heart, the timid heart,
Loves again! Loves again!

One to the other,
The other to the one,
the lock is the key
and the key is the lock.

Rejoice! Rejoice!
Oh my heart is singing!
The joy that fills the shadowed heart
Fills my own heart
And causes it to Sing and Rejoice!


Overcome with Despair
Staring into the distance
As if looking for the light
At the end of a gloomy tunnel.

But I can't see anything
But the darkness ahead.

I look for a light
A warmth
Something that can tell me
That there is more to life
then anxious agony.

I look.
And I look.
And I find lights.
Lights that brighten the day.
But they are no more then matches.
And soon they are again hidden from view.
And I am left with nothing but an empty tunnel
And the desire to scream my agony to the dark spirits that accompany me.

I've lost it.
I was a soldier.
I was proud.
I was strong.
I would hold my head high no matter the challenge.
But I can't any longer.

Where are the arms I need right now?
Where are the eyes I need to see?
Where is the love I need to feel?
Before despair takes control of me?

But I've already lost.
I screamed into the night.
I cried myself to sleep.
My head isn't held high anymore,
Because it's too busy being dropped in shame.

Depression makes every word
From the people I hurt
Into a sharp piercing night
Thrust into my heart.
And I welcome it.

I hurt them.
Now let my heart bleed.

Somewhere there is a light.
Somewhere there is the love.
Somwhere there are the arms that will hold me
Like a weak child.
That's what I need.
But I don't have it.
I only have agony.
And despair.