My Master's Soldier

My Master’s Soldier
Jarom Norris

Bang! Crash! Roar!
The Dragon was upon us.
He was at the gate. His fury was a black fire pouring from his mouth, and his army was behind him.
And where was I?
I was standing before the chosen one,
of whom the Master said
“I will send the first.”
He calls out to all of us
“Who will fight on the front lines, and be my soldiers?”
And I cried out “I will!”
Little did I know that my calling as a soldier would go beyond fighting the dragon.

I am one of the Master’s Elite
and I have been saved until the war was hardest.
The adversaries’ arrows and darts are sharper now, and his puppets are everywhere.
But his darts cannot harm me, because I am wearing the armor that the Master made for me, and I will never take it off.
I am a Knight in Shining Armor
And I am a Guardsman.
But what am I guarding?
I am guarding the light that I hold.
The Light I need to cut through the darkness.
I am guarding sacred things
that the enemy tries to squander.
I am guarding my sisters around me,
for while I carry the Master’s sword
they carry His blazing fire.
I am guarding my wounded brethren
who have been hit by burning arrows
and tending to them, so they can fight once more.

But my calling isn’t only to defend,
But to fight back.
I hold the Sword of Faith in my hand,
and it is strong and sharp.
I will fight in memory of
My God, my Religion, and Freedom, and my Peace, my wife, and my children.
I see a spirit of the enemy watching me, he is in my every evil I see, enticing me, trying to draw me into a trap.
Why does he try to pull me down?
Because I cut him down in the Battle of Heaven.
But let him know this: I am not afraid to do it again.

I follow the banner of the chosen one.
His banner is purity, virtue, loyalty, wisdom, faith, love, charity, diligence, knowledge, agency, patience, hope, divine nature, respect, humility, kindness, integrity, balance.
His banner is godliness.

My light can be spread to others.
I can find those who are lost in the darkness because they don’t have the light, or those who are bleeding from fiery darts, and lead them, and heal them.
I will use my fire to forge them their own sword of faith, and then we can be allies in this fight.

I am a warrior, a guardsman, a knight, a teacher, a rescuer, a soldier.
But most of all, I am a servant.
I am here to fight for the Master.
He is the source of my light, the fuel of my fire, and the creator of my armor.
My heart is his.
And one day, I will bow before him, and he will say
You are victorious.”

Sound Poem

Thick Night
A poem written to the song Sdrawkcab, by Jeremiah Peña

The bell tolls
The night is upon the town
And few souls still hustle around
Twilight’s magic has faded
But midnights magic has just begun.

What life could exist in the dark?
What light could dwell in the shadows?
The night is a dark and loathsome place
But for some, darkness is peace.

The swirling mists of dark
So deep, so knowing
Dark is deep inside
Hidden from the light, the shadows grow.

New opportunities swirl with the curtains of shadow
New power lies within the thick blackness
New strength in the invisible darkness.

Stars gleam
Such a glorious and beautiful sight they are!
So majestic, so full of energy and power
Sparkling in the sky like the treasures of a goddess.

The bell tolls.
Twilight’s magic has faded.
But midnight’s has just begun.

Image Poem

Glorious Sunrise

The warm rays of the sun stretch across the land
And light upon every
And Castle

Glorious light
Accents the tall, majestic spires
And the tiny, delicate blades
Of the grasses

Warm Light
Seeps through the cold darkness
Cuts through the thick shadow
Like a powerful sword
And warms the heart with it’s touch

Strong light
Brings new light into the land
The love of a new day into the air
And reawakens strength.

Bright Light
Warm Light
Life Light
Glorious Light